MBDA Regional Representation

MBDA Regional Plan


Each of the six regions has its own elected board of representatives that is responsible for overseeing and guiding the activities of the region. Regional Boards include a president, president-elect, treasurer, secretary, membership chair, and honor band coordinator(s). Other board positions are created as initiatives arise within each region.

At the state level, MBDA has an elected State Board of Representatives that guides the overall direction and activities of the statewide organization, while acting as a liaison to state, regional, and national professional organizations. This structure empowers both the regional and state boards to move in new and important directions for the future of band directors in the state of Minnesota.

Region Rosters

A complete roster of all high schools, college and university institutions within each MBDA Regions is available on the MBDA web site by clicking on the region abbreviations in the left navigation bar. These pages identify the region in which your school is located. Elementary and middle schools should look for the high school they feed.

How can I get involved?

If you would like to become involved in the leadership and activities in your region, contact any of the regional presidents.